Monday, November 30, 2009

Purcell Avenue Speed Humps Approved!

EPHIA received word on November 25 from the City's Department of Transportation and Engineering that the 700 block of Purcell Avenue is recommended to receive its petitioned-for street humps as a traffic calming measure.

94% of returned postcards favored street humps. According to the letter from Bryan Williams, PE, Supervising Engineer, "the City Administration will send a report to City Council recommending speed humps on Purcell Avenue between West Eighth Street and Bassett Road. Upon approval of this report, the Traffic Engineering Division will begin more detailed layout of the speed humps and coordinate these locations with adjacent residents. It is expected these speed humps will be installed in the fall of 2009."

Affected residents with questions may call Mr. Williams at 352-4506.

Congratulations to those residents for taking ownership of their street and working proactively to improve their quality of life!

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