Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hillside Zoning Overlay

As an East Price Hill resident affected by the Zoning Code's
Hillside Overlay I was interested in knowing how extensive this protective ordinance affects our neighborhood (limits outlined in black). The ever-courteous John Coulter @ CAGIS gave me the overlay layer and it's shown here in red (for legibility) overlaid on an aerial photo. I'm encouraged that it is no more extensive than shown because the Overlay has the potential to increase dimensional limitations placed upon property to restrict overbuilding; unfortunately this has the theoretical ability to eliminate any building on a parcel (depending upon site-specific conditions) that might require a Variance Request costing a property owner time and money.

The benefits of the Overlay were explained to me yesterday by the ever-gracious Mary Croft that, in addition to restricting overbuilding on our hillsides which might contribute to destabilization and landslides, but to protect the view of our beautiful hillsides as one approaches from the north, east and somewhat to the south (hopefully folks driving east on River Road are paying attention to traffic!).

Sharing this information will hopefully let folks know that the overwhelming majority of buildable land in East Price Hill is not subject to the requirements of the Hillside Overlay and ameliorate any hesitation they have to invest in our great neighborhood!

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